opilous opilous

Bringing the power
back to the artist


Opulous is powered by cryptocurrency, using future-proof blockchain & smart contract technology to connect artists and investors like never before.


In February 2021, music distribution and record label services company Ditto Music announced Opulous - A platform that utilizes blockchain technology to introduce a whole new way for musicians and their crowd to interact. Opulous provides accessible tools to create decentralized funding and distribution solutions for musicians. By doing so, artists gain better control over their careers while offering fans and investors a new and steady revenue stream. This is a groundbreaking concept to the music industry, making Opulous one of the pioneers in bringing music into the blockchain world. A field that currently relies greatly on digital assets and NFTs created by the artists as the backbone and catalyst of its growth.

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The relentless
effort to create
a better industry

By connecting between musician and patron directly, the Opulous ecosystem is cutting out the middleman and changing the relationship between the artist and the music industry. But this trailblazing worldview and its benefits are currently available mainly to Algorand blockchain users. By its nature, blockchains require several procedures in order for data residing on one blockchain to migrate to another. This puts a tough adoption barrier for potential users that narrows down options and markets for both artist and consumer. Knowing that the future of this initiative is dependent on efficient inter-chain transfers of cryptocurrency and NFTs, Opulous is constantly working to broaden its reach to more blockchains. A process that benefits all sides by attracting more artists and listeners to use this platform as the primary channel for music funding and consumption.

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Opulous brings Decentralized Finance to the music industry, changing how artists access the funding they need and providing a launchpad for the first music copyright-backed NFTs.

Tear down the
wall, and let the
sound come in

In January 2022, Opulous and XP.NETWORK mutually announced a partnership that solves the issues blockchain separation presents. XP.NETWORK has created the first NFT oriented multi-chain NFT bridge - a tool that provides seamless and accessible inter-chain NFT transfers to several blockchains and dApps, with many more in the process of joining the list. With this bridge integrated into its system, Opulous opens the door to new territories for its users. An ability that widens the reach for new markets on previously inaccessible blockchains and creates higher liquidity that benefits both artists and investors.


"Digital art, to all of its forms, kinds, and genres, is what paves the path to the adoption of decentralized technology into the mainstream. With this utilization, artists can do their part in leading us into this revolution.”

Nir Blumberger

CEO & Co-Founder, XP.NETWORK

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OrcPunks: one of the first collections...


Bringing the power
back to the artist